This month, 23 governments worldwide have launched ambitious new plans under Mission Innovation 2.0 to stimulate increased investment over a decade of innovation in clean energy research, development, and demonstrations, with the ultimate goal of delivering affordable, clean energy solutions by 2030.

A sustainable manufacturing strategy can bring many benefits to manufacturing and engineering companies, such as reduction in costs and waste and improving efficiency in the workplace.

Sustainable manufacturing allows companies to manufacture their products in a way that minimises the impact in the environment, minimising the use of energy during the manufacturing process and providing a cleaner and safer working environment.

Environmental issues are a hot topic currently, with more and more people being aware of how important it is to take care of our environment. With this in mind, it is also important for businesses to adapt and work towards being sustainable. This can help with gaining trust from your customers and potential leads, giving you a competitive advantage, and help protect and strengthen your brand’s reputation.

Products that have been manufactured through a sustainable strategy will also reduce production steps, making it easier and cheaper for companies. This means lower labour costs, less waste, and more efficient products.

The goal is to reduce environmental impact, reduce costs, conserve natural resources, and make products safer for both manufacturers and consumers alike.

At Conception Marketing, our team are manufacturing specialists, and we provide a wide range of marketing and business growth solutions for SME manufacturing companies.

We are passionate about manufacturing and engineering, and we have worked with clients from a range of sector over the years. We can help you effectively communicate your strategy to existing and potential clients.

Speak to our team today to learn more about us. Contact us here.